Saturday 16 July 2016

Floral Paintings for an Aesthetic Home

Aesthetics is an important part of our lives. Everyone likes to see a beautiful flower, smell the fresh fragrance and feel the breeze passing over the bunch of roses. There is nothing more beautiful than a floral painting to decorate your personal space or enrich the beauty and elegance of a living space. Floral paintings possess and reflect such a quality in creation, style and uniqueness that almost nothing else can.

FengShui and Floral Paintings

Fresh flowers are always greeted with a smile and gives the receiver positive vibes. But it is not always possible to have fresh flowers in our room as they wither over time and it is strictly not advisable to keep dried flowers or withered flowers according to FengShui. Floral Paintings are known to bring good luck and positive vibes in the house. It can activate career and relationship luck.

Therapeutic value of Floral Paintings

Paintings with flowers possess therapeutic value and a positive visual symbolism, which is part of healing art. The subjects depicted in these paintings, such as trees, flowers and landscapes create a refreshing and rejuvenating notion, adding healing value to art.

Symbolic Value of Flowers

Symbolism is endless in flowers and meanings range from protection, to love, to warnings, to wealth. It is known that paintings of flowers create particular feelings; for instance, yellow roses can convey joy, while red roses usually reflect passion and love. Pink roses, on the other hand, can be an excellent symbol of happiness. You can hang floral paintings with respect to the kind of feelings you want it to emote in a particular room.

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