Sunday 12 June 2016

Portrait Painting: A Perfect Gift for a Perfect Father

With Father’s Day round the corner, every son or daughter must be thinking about gifting his or her father with something special, unique and memorable. Portrait painting is the ideal gift to honor the men who have dedicated themselves to being good providers and fine examples to their children. It is believed that a painting is worth a thousand words so go for the gift that can convey your affection without a need for you to utter a single word.

Portrait Ideas for Gifting Your Father

The first of the Father's Day portrait tips that you can try is to have a modern portrait of your dad made. You can gift your father a portrait in a suit or a tuxedo against a neutral background. Such a picture will be great to hang in his office or study.

If your father is a big cricket or football fan and had been a player at some point of time in the past, then you can gift a portrait of him in sports attire. Looking at himself in an attire of sports that he is crazy about will always fill him with thrill and excitement.

Another great tip is to gift a portrait of him in traditional or ethnic attire. Your father must have worn the ethnic attire at some or the other occasion in his life like his marriage or a religious function. On seeing his large portrait done in attire which he is no more in touch with, will not only amuse him but will fill him with a sense of royal pride.

You can have a portrait of your dad that includes the people who matter the most to him with he being the focal point - that means your mother, you, your siblings and your kids if your dad is lucky enough to be a grandpa by now. Nothing can give more happiness to a father than being surrounded by a happy, cheerful and loving family.

And last but not the least, you can have a colored portrait painting done from an old and not-so-clear photo of your father lost somewhere in the dusty albums lying in some corner of your home. This is the best way to make this day memorable for him as one look at the portrait that is a great transformation of a tattered photograph, will bring all the cherished memories of the moments captured in the photograph back.

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