Tuesday 17 May 2016

Power of Flower Canvas Paintings

Most of us love flowers and each one of us have his/ her own favorite but the sad part is we cannot have them all through the year to enhance the beauty of our room. Flower Paintings are the best way to capture this most beautiful aspect of nature in a frame forever. Floral Paintings have always been the integral part of interior décor as they give a natural and aesthetic value to our walls. With their varied range of colors and shapes, flowers can give a different look to each and every wall of your home.

Flowers Paintings in Fengshui

1.     Flowers evoke in all humans - a feeling of beauty and  grace. In addition to the energy of beauty and grace, flowers also bring a good luck and blessings.

2.     Rooms and offices decorated with plants and flowers helped reduce stress .There is a direct link between flowers and life satisfaction. Flowers decrease anxiety, depression and agitation. Flowers also lead to a higher sense of enjoyment and create a sharing atmosphere.

3.     Flower paintings can have very positive impact on you and change your lifestyle. When you have flower paintings in your room and offices, you will see that it produces a sense of peace, calmness, and freshness and also makes us relaxed.
                         Popular flower symbols as used in feng shui :

 Peony - It is used in fengshui as a cure for love & romance. But couples should not hang it in bedroom to avoid extra- marital relationships, but if you are a single man, you should hang this flower painting in your bedroom.

 Lotus- It is used in feng shui cure for a healthy and harmonious home.  A lotus painting therefore is an ideal gift to buy for a house warming ceremony.

Cherry Blossoms- It is used in fengshui as a love & marriage cure. It’s an ideal gift for a newly married couple. It should be placed in the bedroom.

Orchid- It is used in fengshui  for abundance in career and growth, fertility and spiritual growth. According to Chinese, hanging Orchid paintings in your bedroom would definitely bring several offspring to your home.

Narcissus- It  is used as a feng shui career cure, believed to help one get proper rewards for his or her hard work. If you are searching for a good luck gift for a student or employee, a Narcissus painting would be a thoughtful gift. It should be placed in the study room or office.

 Chrysanthemum- This flower is considered to have strong yang energy, so it is used to attract good luck to you and your home.

For more details visit : http://artfactory.in/artist-corner.html

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