Friday 5 August 2016

Buddha Paintings for Home and Office

Buddha is well known for his meditation and teachings that encouraged followers to follow a path of balance to attempt and bring happiness in their life. By welcoming Buddha in your living space can help you attain inner qualities of peace, beauty, and harmony. There are paintings of Buddha in various poses and each holds its own meaning and mood enhancing capabilities.

Meditation Buddha 

One of the common poses of the Buddha is Meditation. This pose signifies serenity and calmness. This painting is for people who are either looking for peace or calm in their lives and for those who wish to improve their own meditation skills. It is an ideal painting for people who want to set up a "serenity room" or a corner of their house where they can sit in calm for a little while and unwind. It should be placed facing East as Buddha meditated on the sun when he was searching for enlightenment

Earth Touching Buddha

The most common pose you will find in Thai temples is with the legs crossed, the left hand in the lap, and the right hand pointing to the ground with the palm facing inward toward the Buddha. This posture is known as calling the Earth to Witness and it symbolizes enlightenment of one’s soul. It is believed that this painting of Buddha in Earth touching mudra helps us to bring about the transformation from rage and anger to wisdom.

Teaching Buddha 

This pose of Buddha signifies wisdom, understanding, and fulfilling destiny. Both hands are held at chest level, with thumb and index fingers forming a circle. The right hand is turned palm in, while the left hand is turned palm out. This painting is particularly appropriate for those who are either studying or are interested in learning more about spirituality.

Protection Buddha 

This depiction of a seated Buddha with the right hand raised and facing outwards has two common meanings. The first is that of the Protection Buddha, as the raised right hand symbolically represents a shield. The second meaning is Overcoming Fear. This painting of Buddha signifies courage and offers protection from fear, delusion and anger. 

Placement of Buddha Paintings 

The area where you work or study area is a good location for a Buddha Painting, as it can help in mental clarity and focus.

Placing Buddha painting above the reception desk can help bring prosperity into your business and set a calm tone for visitors.

Placing the Buddha painting opposite the main front door of a home or office allows the Buddha to intercept the Chi, or life energy, coming in. Here the Buddha can energize the Chi entering the space.

The living room is also a good location for the Feng Shui Buddha Painting. Place the Buddha facing towards the front door to energize the Chi entering the home.

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Monday 25 July 2016

Buying a Painting Online

Before we move to understand why and how to buy paintings online, we need to know why an art piece is important part of home décor at the first place.

Why a painting is an integral part of your Home decor?

Having a home is the first dream of each and every person and decorating it comes second. We want our house to be a reflection of our dreams, aspirations, personality and emotions. We want our house to be our sanctuary where we can be at peace with ourselves. We want that not only we but even our guests should fall in love with our home. Art is something that portrays your personality to the world whether you create art or simply display it in your home. Buy online canvas painting India it tells the world about the things you like, the things you are passionate about and the things that catch your eye. So the bottom line is that a painting is a must have for your home decor.

Why to buy a painting online?

Now that you have made up your mind to buy a painting for your home, there are many questions that will come to your mind. What to buy? Where to buy it from? What kind is best for your home? You can get the answers to all these questions at one platform only-Online Art Gallery. There are many advantages of buying a painting line:

1.     The internet lets you take your time and browse through dozens and dozens of artwork without a salesman breathing down your neck.

2.     There is an abundance of images online to view, appreciate, compare and buy. This enormous selection covers everything from local to international art, abstract artwork to figurative, historical to modern and contemporary, and conventional to digital, including photography and posters.

3.     In present times, going out and searching for a proper painting to decorate one's room is a distant dream. To drive in battling traffic and find ample of time in our busy schedule to actually purchase artwork is near to impossible. With the internet penetrating every inch of one's world, to buy paintings online is the new strategy. You can find and purchase art any time you want to in the comfort of your own home.

4.     Artwork for online sale covers a very large range of prices but there is something for everyone.

How to buy painting online?

Before buying a painting online, one needs to keep some important things in mind-

1.     When surfing on a website, check the site's credibility as a seller. There are a number of fraud websites, which market themselves quite well. So one should be aware of these.

2.     Make sure that it’s of the highest quality in materials used to create them.

3.     The website should have a secure payment gateway. A person should always check the payment opportunities and the terms and conditions that are applicable.

4.     Find reviews about the online art store and read customer feedback from previous buyers.

5.     Be sure there is some form of a return policy and/or satisfaction guarantee.

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Saturday 16 July 2016

Floral Paintings for an Aesthetic Home

Aesthetics is an important part of our lives. Everyone likes to see a beautiful flower, smell the fresh fragrance and feel the breeze passing over the bunch of roses. There is nothing more beautiful than a floral painting to decorate your personal space or enrich the beauty and elegance of a living space. Floral paintings possess and reflect such a quality in creation, style and uniqueness that almost nothing else can.

FengShui and Floral Paintings

Fresh flowers are always greeted with a smile and gives the receiver positive vibes. But it is not always possible to have fresh flowers in our room as they wither over time and it is strictly not advisable to keep dried flowers or withered flowers according to FengShui. Floral Paintings are known to bring good luck and positive vibes in the house. It can activate career and relationship luck.

Therapeutic value of Floral Paintings

Paintings with flowers possess therapeutic value and a positive visual symbolism, which is part of healing art. The subjects depicted in these paintings, such as trees, flowers and landscapes create a refreshing and rejuvenating notion, adding healing value to art.

Symbolic Value of Flowers

Symbolism is endless in flowers and meanings range from protection, to love, to warnings, to wealth. It is known that paintings of flowers create particular feelings; for instance, yellow roses can convey joy, while red roses usually reflect passion and love. Pink roses, on the other hand, can be an excellent symbol of happiness. You can hang floral paintings with respect to the kind of feelings you want it to emote in a particular room.

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Monday 11 July 2016

Fengshui Paintings In Your Office

Whether you work at home, at a big office or at a small cubicle in your office – the vibes around your workspace influence your passion, creativity, success and growth. Everything in our universe has power to influence the surrounding. In the same way, everything that surrounds you at your workplace has power to influence your life energy. Then why not channelize these energies for your best? And the best and easiest way to do that is hanging FengShui Paintings in your office. Paintings are not just for decorating your walls but also your life and Fengshui Paintings do exactly the same by attracting positive energy ‘Chi’ in your life. FengShui paintings bring prosperity, success, wealth and good luck in your life.

Bamboo Painting:
In Fengshui, Bamboo is a symbol of growth and development in life. Hanging a bamboo painting on the south-east and east walls brings luck and wealth. It also protects you from negative vibes.

Koi Fish Painting:
In Fengshui, Koi fish represents fire element that influences flow of finances in your life.koi Fish painting is a combination of two- water that stands for flow and Koi fish that stands for power and strength.

A Koi Fish canvas painting at the entrance of your office ensures flow of wealth in abundance in your life. While hanging the koi Fish Painting, you should make sure that fish should swim into your office and not out of it.

8 Galloping Horses Painting:
In Fengshui, it is believed that a painting of 8 galloping horses in your office or cabin boosts your luck while facing challenges at workplace or business. Galloping horses represent strength, courage, speed, power and endurance while number 8 represents eight aspirations of life-Career, Children, Recognition, Health, Progress, Marriage, Education, and Happiness. Hanging a painting of 8 galloping horses on the South wall of your office fulfills all your aspirations – bringing fame, recognition, triumph and romotion, steady and speedy growth, and success in career and life.

Waterfall Painting:
Water is considered as one of the most auspicious element in fengshui. Running water represents flow and abundance. It is believed to boost flow of money in abundance in your life. North wall of your office is considered to be best for hanging waterfall painting. Avoid hanging water fall paintings on south walls since this area corresponds to fire energy and we all know water will extinguish fire and so will your will and desire to work and achieve success.

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